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As members of the Body of Christ, the parish of St. James, Lake Placid, Florida proclaims our belief in the message and mission of Jesus Christ.
"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age." (Matt 28:19-20)With God's Grace, the example of Jesus, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we seek to live out that belief as a community of worship, of shared faith and of service where each member shares with others the gifts and talents received from God.
Pope Francis on Twitter
Mass Times
Summer Mass Schedule (June - September)
Saturday Vigil 4 PM
Sunday 9 AM
Winter Mass Schedule (October - May)
Saturday Vigil 4 PM
Sunday 8 AM and 10 AM
Weekdays (M - F) - 9:00 AM
First Saturday of Every Month
9:00 AM (with Anointing of the Sick)
Holy Days
7:00 PM Vigil, 9:00 AM Morning
Office Hours - For emergencies call 863-465-3215
9:00 am to 12 noon
12:30 pm to 3:00 pm
9:00 am to 12:00 noon
3380 Placid View Dr.
Lake Placid, FL 33852
Pastor, Fr. Vincent Clemente
Father Vincent came to the United States from Italy at the age of 15, where his family settled in the Cleveland, OH area. He has one sister. Father was ordained to the priesthood on May 8, 1976 and has previously served at St. Martha’s in Sarasota, FL and as pastor of St. Michael in Wauchula and St. Paul in Arcadia.
WELCOME, FATHER! We look forward to continued spiritual growth with you here at St. James!
Parochial vicar Fr. Felix Gonzalez
Fr. Felix Gonzalez, our newest parochial vicar, was born in Venezuela on September 18, 1953. He studied philosophy in Trinidad & Tobago, West Indies and theology at the Seminary “Santa Rosa de Lima,” Caracas, Venezuela. He was ordained on July 18th, 1981 at the .Archdiocese of Barquisimeto. He came to the United States 20 years ago and studied monastic spirituality in Worcester, MA and worked in different parishes in the Archdiocese of New York— Manhattan and the Bronx. During those years he studied in IONA College and graduated with a Masters in Science, majoring in pastoral counseling. After serving St. Leo for almost two and a half years, he is happy to embark on this new part of his spiritual journey.
Our commitment to a Safe Environment
As Christian adults, we have a moral and legal responsibility and are entrusted by God with the spiritual, emotional and physical well-being of minors and vulnerable adults. St. James adheres to the Diocese of Venice's Safe Environment program. To learn more, visit: https://dioceseofvenice.org/offices/programs/safeenvironment/
Pope Francis' Letter to the People of God, regarding sexual abuse in light of the outcome of the Pennsylvania Grand Jury.
My Dear People,
In today’s reading we have the calling of Isaiah and the calling of Peter. First, the Calling of Isaiah in seeing the glory of the Lord, with the Seraphim etc. He saw himself as a sinner, and he thought he was doomed. Whenever the Lord appeared to people, it was serious business. No one has ever been able to behold the vision of God and live, except in very rare cases. But the angel encouraged him and, placing an ember on his lips, purified him. Then he was asked by the Lord, whom shall I send? He quickly responded, “Here I am. Send me.” His response was positive and immediate. This was Isaiah’s calling to be a prophet, and his experience when he was called.
Peter’s situation is similar in a way. He realized that he was catching no fish by himself even with all of his knowledge and knowhow; however his obedience to Jesus yielded many fish. Jesus did this to get his attention and to show him that he was about to embark on greater things. Similar to Isaiah, his response to Jesus was, “Depart from me Lord for I am a sinful man.” Meanwhile, Jesus told him: “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.” When they came ashore, Peter abandoned his boat and followed Jesus.
Simon’s reaction is one of astonishment at this sudden experience of the awesome power and presence of God. Whereas earlier he called him “Master” (5:5), recognizing his authority as teacher (v. 3), he now goes a step further and addresses Jesus as Lord (1:43; 2:11)—the first person in the Gospel to call him by this important title. He confesses that he is a sinful man, not unlike Isaiah who, after seeing a vision of the Lord, recognized that he was “a man of unclean lips” (Isa. 6:5). Depart from me, Simon tells Jesus, acutely aware of his own unworthiness. However, it is precisely individuals who recognize their sinfulness that Jesus has come to call (Luke 5:32). Jesus tells Simon Peter, “Do not be afraid” using words previously addressed by angels to human beings, words that Jesus will frequently address to people in the Gospel (8:50; 12:7, 32). Jesus explains what Peter’s future mission involves: From now on you will be catching men. Fishing is an image of the work of evangelization, like the “fishers of men” phrase found in the parallel verse (Matt 4:9; Mark 1:17). However, the verb that Luke uses emphasizes that Peter and the other fishermen will be catching people alive. Their mission will be to lead people to new life (see Acts 5:20: 11:18.)
Luke highlights how Peter and the others followed Jesus after seeing his miracles and hearing his preaching (compare Matt 4:18-22; Mark 1:16-20). Rather than specifying what they left in following Jesus (e.g. their nets, their boat, their father Zebedee), Luke simply says that they left everything, emphasizing the radical nature of Christian discipleship (see Luke 5:28; 14:33).
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Vincent Clemente
Upcoming Events
FEBRUARY 4th— Tuesday. Child. of Our Lady, 10AM, Social Hall. Grupo de Juan 23, 7PM, Social Hall.
FEBRUARY 5th— Wednesday. Bible Study, 10AM, Social Hall. Divine Will, 4PM, Social Hall. Confirmation Prep, 7PM, Social Hall.
FEBRUARY 6th— Thursday. CCW Meeting, 10AM, Social Hall. Prayer Group, 6:30PM, Social Hall.
FEBRUARY 7th— Friday. Kraft Korner, 10AM, Social Hall.
FEBRUARY 9th— Sunday. Faith Formation, 11AM, Social Hall. Women’s Emmaus, 2PM, Social Hall.
FEBRUARY 10th— Monday. RCIA, 6PM, Social Hall.
FEBRUARY 11th— Tuesday. Child. of Our Lady, 10AM, Social Hall. Grupo de Juan 23, 7PM, Social Hall. KOC, 7PM, Social Hall.
FEBRUARY 12th— Wednesday. Bible Study, 10AM, Social Hall. Divine Will, 4PM, Social Hall. Confirmation Prep, 7PM, Social Hall.
FEBRUARY 13th— Thursday. Divine Mercy, 10:30AM, Social Hall. Grief Support, 2PM, Social Hall. Prayer Group, 6:30PM, Social Hall.
FEBRUARY 15th— Saturday. Eucharistic Pilgrimage. Begins at 7:30AM at St. James and continues to Sebring, Avon Park, Wauchula, and Arcadia. See bulletin for more details.
FEBRUARY 16th— Sunday. Faith Formation, 11AM, Social Hall. Men’s Emmaus, 2PM, Social Hall.
FEBRUARY 17th— Monday. RCIA, 6PM, Social Hall.